
Vinpower’s VDX-1 mini-autoloader, is the small, inexpensive, powerful tool that you wish you knew about sooner…

Oct 08,2020

Much like the tiny ant that can lift 5,000 times it’s body weight, the VDX-1 autoloader can do the job of much bigger and more expensive autoloaders. Weighing less than 12 lbs (just over 5kg), and slightly bigger than a standard shoebox, the VDX-1 can fit virtually anywhere. Plus, it’s completely standalone, so it’s easy to take on the go and as long as there’s an electrical outlet, the VDX-1 is ready to work. Just like the mighty worker ant, the VDX-1 gets the job done.

The VDX-1 comes with 1 drive and 50 disc capacity, but can work 24/7 like a champ. With a retail price below $450, it’s practically a steal. For more details on the VDX-1, click on the following link: https://www.vinpowerdigital.com/t/categories/Disc-Autoloaders/The-MiniLoader-VDX-1